
Image Analysis

Here are some results for various image analysis methods applied to Bill's and Elle's photos combined (N~8000). Values are scaled for display purposes.

Distributions of image distance metrics

Lab CIE94 color distances
The multiple curves seem like artifacts of computation, possibly evidence of a bug in the code, or an oddity of the algorithm..

Lab distance distribution CIE94

Lab CIE2000 color distances
This algorithm seems more stable. Code is twice as complex.
Lab distance distribution CIE2000

Hue+Sat 12x12 histogram distance distribution

HS 12x12 histogram distance distribution

Hue+Sat 24x24 histogram distance distribution

HS 24x24 histogram distance distribution

Hue+Sat 48x48 histogram distance distribution

HS 48x48 histogram distance distribution

Gist distance distribution

Gist distance distribution

Sift distance distribution (500 words)

Sift distance distribution

HOG distance distribution (500 words)

HOG distance distribution

SURF Fast distance distribution (500 words)

SURF Fast distance distribution

SURF Fast distance distribution (200 words)

SURF Fast distance distribution

Dimensionality of metrics

Calculate the 'dimension' of the picture space using different metrics.
Where run time is not indicated, the metric calculation was part of calculating on 8k photos. In this case, the feature sets that words are drawn from are richer, and this seems to raise the fractal dimension slightly.
FracD is fractal dimension (Higuchi) calculated on both an arbitrary ordering of the pairs, and sorted ordering of the values, for each metric. 'Dimension' is calculated by MultiDimensional Scaling using an heuristic; stress(100) is the 'stress' that the scikit-learn library reported for fitting the set of distances to 100 dimensions, while stress(1) is the stress for fitting to one dimension. NOTE: the distances for these metrics violate the triangle inequality in ~0.02% of cases, so it would be impossible for these metrics to map to cartesian spaces. Using the square root of the distance overcomes this violation, leaving higher-order violations to be checked. In this case, the dimension of Lab distance goes from 3 to 25.
Photo dimensions are within 300x300px, except when 600px stated.

Method Sample t_calc FracD
Nonmetric stress
at dim=N-1
Dimension Metric stress
at dim=N-1
stress(100) stress(1)
Lab CIE94 dist 600px 329 - 1.9785 1.1458 0.324275 3 2114108156246633 2114107376961504 33238672000252052
Lab CIE94 dist 600px 328 - 1.9785 1.1461 0.293298 3 210243371374 210242809607 2765715192305
Lab CIE2000 dist 600px 328 - 1.9830 1.1515 0.273917 3 191237885055 191237885050 2453706756652
Greyscale 329 10s 1.9825 1.0490 0.325703 8 42238947558 42238951082 1454262245593
Greyscale 600px 329 10s 1.9834 1.0512 0.323473 9 43218312117 43218311843 1503467825297
HueSat 12x12 329 10s 1.9858 1.0889 0.322799 19 33661688784 33661589105 3616806311396
HueSat 24x24 329 10s 1.9880 1.1298 0.322510 35 16070401684 16070009781 4349496176228
HS 24x24 600px 329 10s 1.9899 1.1340 0.322085 35 15928051546 15927668148 4368059624646
HueSat 48x48 329 12s 1.9908 1.1854 0.322677 64 7221313089 7231079366 4836919775090
HS 48x48 600px 329 12s 1.9915 1.1880 0.323621 63 7336043115 7344975790 4820454342678
GIST 329 1m 1.9865 1.2312 0.329024 9 28786833694 28786830336 997666139720
GIST 830 3m 1.9961 1.2448 - 9 214365075676 214364981166 7007650454678
HOG 250 words 329 10m 1.9708 1.3114 0.332430 10 10120766077 10120761644 150327274044
HOG 250 words 830 30m 1.9812 1.3547 - 10 90102389041 90102297910 1309506765055
HOG 500 words 329 20m 1.9667 1.3543 0.329802 13 4740817637 4740814068 70999988871
HOG 500 words 830 53m 1.9820 1.3913 - 13 47615466238 47615344807 638873446770
HOG 1k words 329 46m 1.9684 1.3805 0.333557 15 2364987049 2364984044 38619752999
HOG 1k words 329 - 1.9687 1.3961 0.326129 16 1738122757 1738119626 32056067485
HOG 4k words 329 183m 1.9667 1.4563 0.330588 22 789797143 790448483 12788342999
SIFT 500 words 329 - 1.9526 1.5254 0.334410 10 3299647152 3299613921 32981778348
SIFT 1k words 329 - 1.9520 1.5706 0.325208 11 1930309620 1930289338 18095265606
SIFT 4k words 329 828m 1.9645 1.5659 0.370531 12 1173320138 1173417298 8332093153
SURF FAST 200 words 329 - 1.9728 1.3829 0.331700 8 2778256609 2778256463 40011821579
SURF FAST 250 words 329 8m 1.9735 1.3754 0.333224 8 2591205654 2591204993 35829689692
SURF FAST 500 words 329 15m 1.9649 1.4551 0.335407 10 1620836377 1620830296 21609765416
SURF FAST 1k words 329 30m 1.9637 1.5023 0.332962 14 949563200 949543059 13039001089
SURF FAST 4k words 329 117m 1.9731 1.5536 0.352633 19 627742238 628714256 6008901502
SURF FAST 4k words 329 - 1.9776 1.5690 0.355562 19 581727967 582893432 5016304129

Violations of triangle inequality

Sample of 329 photos with '11' in sequence number ('*'=328); 300x300px unless noted.

Method N_violations N_vio/N_triangles Avg_vio Avg_dist Avg_vio / Avg_dist
Lab CIE94 186402 0.031986 157120.407286 795782.437570 0.197441
Lab CIE94* 182355 0.031581 1590.681204 7932.971405 0.200515
Lab CIE2000* 488398 0.084582 2832.189859 7549.811582 0.375134
Greyscale 126902 0.021776 1323.551315 5036.899585 0.262771
Grey 600px 120566 0.020689 1339.299040 5106.055953 0.262296
Gist 69269 0.011886 1252.289855 4240.768117 0.295298
RGB 12 25323 0.004345 791.203886 7305.977862 0.108295
RGB 24 7398 0.001269 525.981752 8538.276549 0.061603
RGB 32 5404 0.000927 446.044597 8827.910112 0.050527
RGB 48 5026 0.000862 640.310784 9095.378790 0.070400
RGB 64 3994 0.000685 614.752879 9270.282684 0.066314
RGB 98 3451 0.000592 576.815995 9409.094095 0.061304
RGB 128 1923 0.000330 531.054082 9549.109033 0.055613
RGB 12 600px 25190 0.004323 790.258158 7313.379003 0.108057
RGB 24 600px 7531 0.001292 526.027221 8560.853557 0.061446
RGB 32 600px 5463 0.000937 449.759107 8847.079639 0.050837
RGB 48 600px 5327 0.000914 645.766473 9106.240103 0.070915
RGB 64 600px 4382 0.000752 634.000685 9272.151040 0.068377
RGB 128 600px 2156 0.000370 544.644712 9515.696642 0.057236
HS 12 7882 0.001353 950.321873 7555.464323 0.125779
HS 24 1740 0.000299 900.577586 8227.559169 0.109459
HS 48 1137 0.000195 661.389622 8653.085004 0.076434
HS 64 1134 0.000195 697.298942 8776.086144 0.079454
HS 12 600px 6898 0.001184 943.319078 7564.309456 0.124707
HS 24 600px 1790 0.000307 908.031844 8237.927256 0.110226
HS 48 600px 1267 0.000217 693.607735 8647.060308 0.080213
HS 64 600px 1289 0.000221 682.567106 8761.325172 0.077907
Sift 500w 26466 0.004542 1267.833182 1073.692611 1.180816
Sift 1k 16489 0.002829 1598.830736 824.586293 1.938949
Sift 4k 10528 0.001807 1918.068294 533.492373 3.595306
SurfFast 250w 38162 0.006549 630.098999 1006.401837 0.626091
SurfFast 500w 19853 0.003407 901.724525 830.596690 1.085635
SurfFast 1k 10659 0.001829 1310.348063 648.191424 2.021545
SurfFast 4k 8988 0.001542 1488.200156 419.794008 3.545072
Hog 250w 53782 0.009229 675.056004 1968.357004 0.342954
Hog 500w 18680 0.003205 559.354979 1431.803914 0.390665
Hog 1k 9330 0.001601 771.307074 970.307130 0.794910
Hog 4k 5587 0.000959 993.062824 650.037429 1.527701

Comparing effect of number of words on triangle violations

Method 250w 500w 1k 4k
Sift - 26466 16489 10528
SurfFast 38162 19853 10659 8988
Hog 53782 18680 9330 5587

Potential surfaces traveling 500 steps from given pictures

For each of two pictures, keep picking the best non-repeating match for each algorithm, graphing the distance.
Then compare the overlap between methods in tables.

Starting photos


Lab CIE94

It seems that the value 1000 is a theme, as well as 0.
The numbers look suspect, though image matches seem to be plausible.
Overall, about 3/8 of the images are involved in 0-distance pairs,
which might be due to the limited range used of the wide Lab space.
Examples of photos with the most 0 distances are at the end of this page.
Total 722 unique photos for the two sequences.

lab path 1 lab path 1

HS 12x12

Very similar patterns.
Total 613 unique photos for the two sequences.

hs_12 path 1 hs_12 path 1

HS 24x24

Total 557 unique photos for the two sequences.

hs_24 path 1 hs_24 path 1


The graphs seem to match well, but
there is one point in the first graph, at x=300, y=4000,
that doesn't appear on the other graph, plus others.

Total 554 unique photos for the two sequences.

gist path 1 gist path 1

Sift 500 words

Total 598 unique photos for the two sequences.

sift path 1 sift path 1

Hog 500 words

Total 644 unique photos for the two sequences.

hog path 1 hog path 1

Surf 500 words

Total 625 unique photos for the two sequences.

surf path 1 surf path 1

Surf 200 words

Total 604 unique photos for the two sequences.

surf path 1 surf path 1

Overlapping pics seen for pairs of methods on one photo, sequences of 500

Method 1Method 2Photo 1Photo 2
Surf 500
Surf 200

Total pics seen for 500 x [Sift, Hog, Surf] with 500 words on one photo
where max = 1500

Photo 1Photo 2

Some photos with the max number (12) of Lab CIE94 color distances = 0

too average?
too average? too average?
too average? too average?

Information density

SourceAverage (bytes/pixel * 100)N
Scanned slides 49 11737
Misc 1 40 1512
Canon A95 29 1510
Misc 2 36 219
Canon 20D 42 2523
Misc 3 70 3379


Scanned slides

archive 1 distribution

Misc 1

archive 2 distribution

Canon A95

archive 3 distribution

Misc 2

archive 4 distribution

Canon 20D

archive 5 distribution

Misc 3

archive 7 distribution

Lab conversion and distance from formulae on web.
Hue+Sat histograms, Sift, Hog, Surf from BoofCV, Sift/Hog/Surf using a KNN classifier.
Gist distance from OpenIMAJ.
Fractal analysis from IQM.
MultiDimensional Scaling from scikit-learn.

What use to cry for Capricorn? it sails
Across the heart's red atlas: it is found
Only within the ribs, where all the tails
The tempest has are whisking it around.

— Mervyn Peake, Titus Alone

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